

Welcome to African Leadership Academy Global Scholars Program online application portal. The application window for the Global Scholars Program is officially open! Your online application is hosted by Submittable, our trusted submissions manager.

The Global Scholars Program (GSP) at African Leadership Academy (ALA) is a series of 10-day (Explore Africa) and 18-day (Engage Africa) school holiday camps held from June to August for secondary school students ages 13-19.

Please review our website for the camp sessions, brochure and read below carefully before you begin your application. Feel free to contact us by email apply@africanleadershipacademy.org  if you have any questions.

Acceptance into African Leadership Academy Global Scholars Program is competitive and there are limited spots available so you are encouraged to apply early. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and require a non-refundable registration fee of $25, which must be paid online before your application will be reviewed. Applications will be reviewed within five working days of submission. If you are accepted to the program, a non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to reserve your place in the program.

We highly recommend that families fill out the application together, ensuring both child and parents/guardians are aware of the fees, tuition, deadlines, documents, and processes involved in applying and required if you are accepted.

Please note that there are no full-scholarships available for the Global Scholars Program.

Kindly take note of the following:

  • If you will like to access this page again in the future, please bookmark this page in your browser for easy access.
  • To apply for the Global Scholars Program, you must have been born on or after 1 August 2005.
  • You do not have to complete the online application in one sitting - you may access your application and change your answers as many times as you like. Before you leave the application portal, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save Draft."
  • Once you have completed the application form, you should submit your application by clicking  'Submit' at the bottom of the application page.
  • Please note that you can submit your application only once and that once submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your application information using the online application system.
  • Should you have any questions, please email apply@africanleadershipacademy.org.


African Leadership Academy


   Welcome to African Leadership Academy's online application portal. The application window for the incoming Class of 2025 is officially open! Your online application is hosted by Submittable, our trusted submissions manager. Please note the following:

  • ·Please click here to download our Application Guide. This Guide contains very relevant information that will support you in submitting your application.
  • This online application is also available in French and Portuguese. Please apply in the language that you are most comfortable with. You may not fill out the English or French applications in Arabic. 
  • If you prefer not to complete your application online you may request for the Microsoft Word version (available in French, English, Portuguese and Arabic only) of the application form via email at admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org.  Please provide a reason why you're unable to complete the online form.
  • If you will like to access this page again in the future, please bookmark this page in your browser for easy access.
  • To apply for the 2025-2026 school year, you must have been born on or after 1 September 2005.
  • You do not have to complete the online application in one sitting - you may access your application and change your answers as many times as you like. Before you leave the application portal, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save Draft."
  • Once you have completed the application form, you should submit your application by clicking  'Submit' at the bottom of the application page.
  • Deadlines for the Class of 2025:  Early Decision deadline is October 15th, 2024. Regular Decision deadline is January 15th, 2025. 
  • Please note that you can submit your application only once and that once submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your application information using the online application system.
  • Should you have any questions, please email apply@africanleadershipacademy.org.


African Leadership Academy


 Bem-vindo ao portal de candidaturas online da African Leadership Academy. O período de candidaturas para o ano académico de 2025 está oficialmente aberto! A sua candidatura online é no aplicativo da Submittable, a nossa plataforma de submissão confiável! Por favor tome nota do seguinte:

  • Por favor, clique aqui para baixar nosso Guia de Aplicação. Este Guia contém      informações muito relevantes que irão apoiá-lo na apresentação da sua      candidatura.
  • Este aplicativo online também está disponível em inglês e francês. Por favor, inscreva-se no idioma com o qual você se sente mais confortável. 
  • Se preferir não preencher sua inscrição online, você pode solicitar a versão Microsoft Word (disponível apenas em francês, inglês, português e árabe) do formulário de inscrição por e-mail em admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org. Forneça um motivo pelo qual você não consegue preencher o formulário on-line.
  • Se você quiser acessar esta página novamente no futuro, marque esta página no seu navegador para facilitar o acesso.
  • Para candidatar-se para o ano lectivo 2025-2026, você deve ter nascido depois de 1 de Setembro de 2005.
  • Você não precisa completar a candidatura online em  uma única sessão - você pode acessar a sua candidatura e alterar as suas respostas quantas vezes quiser. Antes de sair do portal vá até a parte inferior da página e clique em "Salvar rascunho".
  • Após concluir a sua candidatura e se estiver  satisfeito, você deve submetê-la clicando em "Enviar" na parte inferior da página de candidatura.
  • Prazos de submissão para a classe de 2025: O prazo para decisão antecipada é 15 de Outubro de 2024. O prazo para decisão regular é 15 de Janeiro de 2025.  NOTA: Submeter a sua candidatura dentro dos prazos de decisão antecipada apenas garante o aviso antecipado da sua decisão de admissões.
  • Por favor note que só pode submeter a sua  candidatura apenas uma vez e após a sua submissão você não poderá fazer  alterações nas informações submetidas.
  • Se você tiver alguma dúvida, envie um e-mail para apply@africanleadershipacademy.org.


 African Leadership Academy

Bonjour !

     Bienvenue sur le portail des candidatures de l'African Leadership Academy. Les demandes de candidatures pour la classe de 2025 sont maintenant ouvertes ! Votre candidature en ligne est hébergée par Submittable, notre gestionnaire de soumission de candidatures. Veuillez prendre note des informations suivantes :

  • •Veuillez cliquer ici pour télécharger notre guide d'application. Ce guide contient des informations très pertinentes qui vous aideront à soumettre votre candidature.
  • Cette application en ligne est également disponible en anglais et portugais. Veuillez postuler dans la langue avec laquelle vous êtes le plus à l'aise. 
  • Si vous préférez ne pas remplir votre candidature en ligne, vous pouvez demander la version Microsoft Word    (disponible uniquement en français, anglais, portugais et arabe) du formulaire de candidature par e-mail à admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org. Veuillez indiquer la raison pour laquelle vous ne parvenez pas à remplir le formulaire en ligne.
  • Si vous souhaitez accéder à nouveau à cette page plus tard, veuillez ajouter cette page à vos favoris dans votre navigateur Internet pour un accès plus facile.
  • Afin de postuler pour l’année scolaire  2025-2026, vous devez être né le ou après le 1er septembre 2005.
  • Ce formulaire d'inscription ne prend  que quelques minutes et peut être rempli en une fois. Cependant, vous n’êtes pas obligé de finir votre candidature en une seule fois. Avant de quitter le gestionnaire de dossiers de candidatures, cliquez sur « Save Draft » (Enregistrer le Brouillon) en bas de la page.
  • Une fois toutes vos informations  saisies, vous devez finaliser votre candidature en cliquant sur « Submit » (Envoyer) en bas de la page.
  • Date limite des décisions anticipées pour la classe de 2025 :  La date limite de décision anticipée est le 15 octobre 2024. La  date limite de décision régulière est le 15 janvier 2025.  REMARQUE : La soumission de votre candidature durant les décisions anticipées ne garantit qu'une notification plus rapide de votre décision d'admission.
  • Vous ne pouvez envoyer votre dossier de candidature qu’une seule fois. Attention ! Il s’agit d’un envoi définitif et vous ne pourrez plus faire de modification sur le gestionnaire de dossiers de candidatures.
  • Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à apply@africanleadershipacademy.org.



  African Leadership Academy

African Leadership Academy